
Posts Tagged ‘David Weiner’

On this day, May 21st, at approximately, 12pm, numerous risks were taken by library folk, who are not generally risk takers.  Innocent choices spiraled into outright lawlessness, ending in a crime unlike anyone in library world has seen for at least a day or so. Allow me to illustrate this chain of events.

We knew we were in shady territory when David Weiner arrived, all sleeveless and bragging about the AM hour in which he was able to get up and do his laundry, being that he is retired and all.  Here is a man who clearly makes his own rules.  The empty laundromat at this time of day proves that assertion. Being that he had come all this way, we felt obligated to go face the heat out-of-doors.  So ill-prepared were we for this actual walk that we had not thought of a destination.  In fact, one was not planned until we were mere feet away from arrival.  Celeste made the bold decision of where to walk today, and that was not the end to her risk taking.  No, chopsticks were soon to be used, and are now actually her weapon of choice (at least for the first strike). We were happy to be back at Ten 89 Noodle House, especially since they had AC. Sweet, sweet AC.

The mysterious man in black

Has anyone seen this man? He is wanted by WOR for Pen-Gate scandal questioning. Read on.

John instructs Celeste on proper chopstick usage before discretely backing away

John instructs Celeste on proper chopstick usage before discretely backing away to take cover

Chopstick success!

Chopstick success! Celeste earns a well deserved fork for her effort

As we were served, David took the opportunity to slip away, virtually unnoticed (obviously, since we were now entranced by our delicious looking meals).  Where he was for the next half hour or so no one can say. But we were met with chaos when we returned to the library. And all fingers pointed to David as the culprit!

First stop: the Music Library, where an uproar had been caused over an alleged pen incident.  Pen-Gate, as it shall now be known, drew instant attention from the Campus Police, and almost certainly the FBI as well, as they have been monitoring the goings on of the Music Library staff for years.  Apparently, or so I am imagining, a pen was coveted by some person unknown to us and soon after taken. Threats were made. Lies were told.   Fingers were snapped, which is apparently the way the musically inclined display their aggression.

West Campus Side Story, where a storm is brewing in the library

West Campus Side Story, where a storm is brewing in the Music Library

All this craziness so absorbed the attention of the Campus Police that they disregarded entirely the crime that was committed in Kristen’s office.  According to sources, a takeout container had been insecurely fastened, leaving the helpless juices no choice but to leak all over. It was a horrific scene to behold, and such an injustice to food lovers everywhere. Food container sabotage, surely!  Was this pen confusion just an excuse not to respond, as Kristen believes? So the Central Reading Room is in a less classier part of the building. And yes, the heat there is rather stifling.  But there are some of us who believe that there were deeper biases to blame.  Perhaps because the egg in that container was brown and not white?  This is, after all, the reason why it was not eaten by Ken. Are we not above such primitive egg color prejudices? So the container remains where it was left, on the floor, waiting in vain for the authorities to come investigate it to prove once and for all that this container unlocking was just another in a long line of crimes committed by David, who, as we have noted, has no alibis from the time of 12:30-1pm.  Walk-O-Rama will have to look into this further.

Today's food hate crime will surely remain one of the great unsolved mysteries

Today’s brown egg hate crime will surely remain one of the great unsolved mysteries

But until then, we hope you will think long and hard about all the reasons you should join Walk-O-Rama next week.  There are many indeed. Hope to see you there!

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In 1513 Ponce de Leon “discovered” Florida and began a search for the fabled Fountain of Youth. How he could have “discovered” a place that already had people living in it is beyond me, but that is a discussion for another time (so heads up to you too, Christopher Columbus!) It was in this spirit of adventure and discovery that I headed down to St. Augustine, FL, the oldest city in the U.S., and the reputed location of that jazzy, age-reversing spigot!
Ponce (not to be confused with Ponch, from “CHIPS”, although both of them wore helmets and had dazzling smiles) set out from Puerto Rico with 60 crew members and tons of provisions. I set out from Atlanta, GA with one crew member, my friend Pat, and a snack bag filled with Reese’s peanut butter eggs, Cheetos, sesame sticks, and Twizzlers, all of which, as you know, are essential in the prevention of scurvy.




Essential expeditionary supplies

Essential expeditionary supplies

 We followed any signs that hinted that Ponce had indeed been through these here parts. Some of those signs were not exactly 100% accurate, but we followed them anyway and so, later than sooner, we came upon the magical city of St. Augustine, whose inhabitants consist mostly of pale-skinned tourists in garishly colored garb, old hippies and older surfer dudes, and leather-clad motorcycle types of questionable hygiene. But we were not here to poke fun at the natives (well, maybe a little), but to find the Fountain of Youth!
 Don't follow this sign.

Don’t follow this sign.

This is no good, either

This is no good, either

 Happy to see the Walk-O-Rama billboards are finally up

Happy to see the Walk-O-Rama billboards are finally up

The first fountain seemed promising. Made of stainless steel, it was a two-sipper, made for both short and tall conquistadors.  I drank from it and waited with tingly anticipation to be turned into a much younger version of myself. Alas…although cool and refreshing, after an hour, no change. We pushed on.

Could this be it??

Could this be it??

We came across a second fountain, so mind boggling and magical that we were sure it must be the one! Sip…sip…sip…wait for it…nada. Fooled again! We finally asked a passing stranger where on Earth this confounded fountain was and he gave us a map to point the way. I was a little suspicious, being as he was wearing a bandanna on his head and had a parrot on his shoulder, and didn’t look very young, but we set off to look for the spot marked by a big X.  This led us past a Hell’s Angels’ barbecue, a shack selling alligator heads and things made from coconuts, and down a side street of seriously scary houses, lined with Spanish moss covered trees and scurrying lizards. Then…there before us…an ancient wall! And in that wall…a gate! Could this be it? With beating hearts and tired feet we slowly approached and turned into the entrance, and…OMG…IT’S THE PONCE HIMSELF!!   We knew this must be the real, authentic Fountain of Youth, because Ponce looked pretty damned good for a 539 year old hombre. Unfortunately, the whole thing was encased in a giant ping-pong ball, so there was to be no guzzling of the magic elixir for me.   I guess I am condemned to live a wrinkly future of flatulence and hip replacements, just like everybody else!  Damn!
 Magical and freaky, dude!

Magical and freaky, dude!

Would you trust this guy? The parrot...maybe.

Would you trust this guy? The parrot…maybe.

"Hi Mrs. Kruger...can Freddy come out and play?"

“Hi Mrs. Kruger…can Freddy come out and play?”



 "Pssst! Hey you, gringa! Get me outta this hell hole!"

“Pssst! Hey you, gringa! Get me outta this hell hole!”

 Behold...the Ping Pong Ball of Youth!

Behold…the Ping Pong Ball of Youth!

My destiny...*sigh*

My destiny…*sigh*

There was one exciting thing that we discovered even though we weren’t searching for it…David Weiner’s Florida house! And it’s a doozy! You know how David is always going to down to Florida every chance he gets, and coming back as brown as an old shoe, so you have to figure that he’s got a place down there somewhere. I knew immediately that it was David’s pad, because it had a sign outside that said “DAVID” with an arrow pointing around some hedges. I figured it was one of those signs like, “I’m out in the garden, come on ’round!”, or “Gone Fishin’!”, so I followed it and…YOWZA!  It is SO like David to put a freaking huge statue of himself in the garden, isn’t it? He now just has to get someone to paint the thing Coppertone tan.

 David's vacation cottage.

David’s vacation cottage.

David applying his SPF 2.

David applying his SPF 2.

– Diane Englot

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