
Archive for November, 2018

While some may have accidentally, and probably now bitterly, stumbled across this post hoping to find clever insights into the many plot twists/holes in the recent film Crimes of Grindelwald, it is not that. Rather, it is a chronicling of our latest trivia adventure at the sketchy dive bar known rather pleasantly as Tara Inn. So as not to put off those misguided clickers entirely, I have decided to accommodate the theme to the best of my ability with some wizarding world comparisons.


Where you would have found us

While the team who assembled were all, I presume, of muggle birth, there was something wiz-ardly about them. One might say they were almost beastly in mental might, and most assuredly fantastic. Perhaps it was their shocking knowledge of geometry terms and business matters. They summoned the answers with a level of mastery beyond their years of formal training – apart from Kristen, who was the Dudley of this whole affair. She was there for the $2 burgers and the chance to score a 10 cent drink, which she failed at as spectacularly as Neville Longbottom trying to perform any spell ever.

The food was cooked and served with surprising quickness and efficiency, thanks (undoubtedly) to the crew of house elves who slaved happily away in the kitchen. While the team felt certain that the super low prices were due to the fact that these workers were not being paid, we pretended we were not unofficial members of S.P.E.W. and turned a blind eye for the night. Ken prepared a generous tip of a few socks for our table.


Sorry Dobby, you will not be paid today

River was awarded the heavy task of recording all the fantastic answers we graced the host with. It was speculated afterwards that she may be of the Dumbledore lineage, as a magical phoenix presented itself to her in her stressful hour of need. However, Kristen was not wearing her glasses when this happened, so it’s entirely possible that this supposed feathered phoenix was something else entirely, such as a plate of mozzarella sticks. That would explain why she ate it…


Behold the magnificent cheesy phoenix!

The team narrowly avoided danger in the form of a nearby Zouru spotting by Nick, who apparently warded off an imminent attack – at least according to this footage posted to the internet. No one else saw this happen though, so its validity is still under review. It may have just been a hero story conjured up to hide the fact that he had tried pulling a Dumbledore by holding out on knowledge longer than was necessary in the photo round while the rest of us struggled.


Not a drunken apparition (unless it was…?)


Nick is clearly a Dumbledore as well

It became apparent that some of our team were clearly under the Obliviate Charm that was cast upon us by a nearby group that was evidently too lacking in knowledge to win by any other means. With our memories temporarily compromised, we had to settle for second place by mere points. It had everything to do with this forgetfulness charm and nothing to do with the big greasy burgers and Long Island Iced Teas we had consumed as the night went on.


There were cheating teams in the pub tonight

All was well in the end,  however. At one point in the evening, Celeste was seen fussing with her purse on the floor, and even though she did not specify why she did so, we later learned that she had smuggled in a niffler, who was running amok in the bar.  When he returned, to our delight, he revealed that he had stolen something of significance that would play an important role in the next trivia chapter – some unearned free drink tokens. Many thanks to our little kleptomaniac friend!


Tokens all around!


Full cast of characters



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