
Archive for December, 2018

Winter is coming. As such, we left the north and ventured south today, down the kings road (AKA Nicolls) to find a cozy dwelling in which to seek out the hospitality of strangers. While this establishment seemed friendly enough with its adorable furry kitten clan inside, we quickly learned that it was actually a den of danger where we would be put to a trial by mental combat if we were to leave with our heads.


No trivia help at all. They knew nothing.

It was trivia night in the Shabby Tabby Cat Cafe, a place where felines were constantly trying to prove their dominance to claim the comfiest couch – I mean throne. Three minutes into the evening, Kristen became the first party member to fall victim to an assassination attack by an evil cat who had pretended to worship her. A quick snuggle to the leg was all it took to trick Kristen into feeling a false sense of loyalty, which earned the attacker access to her face – where Kristen was promptly bitten with poisonous dagger fangs. But just as Beric Dondarrion was resurrected six times (one of our trivia questions!) and cats may be resurrected up to 8, Kristen was found to have at least one save in her. She continued the night with a Tyrion-esque battle scar for all to see.


Our enemies were always watching – and plotting

Team The Night is Dark and Full of Cats fell pray to sinister, adorable kitties throughout the duration of the game. While Chris fell deeper and deeper into darkness by means of a bewitchingly precious black kitten, he was brought back to the light by a many-faced character, a cat whose beauty mark indicated that she had stolen the face of Cindy Crawford to save this human’s life. This act did not even win the kitten an adoption. While the cat is surely sulking the day away about this betrayal, we at least were happy that the newly saved Chris was able to regain his wits in time to mumble the word “Thor”, the correct answer to one of the more trickier questions. Thanks, Cindy Crawford cat!


The mauling of a human who was not lucky enough to be saved by the many-faced cat

Ken’s hopes to score a seat on the comfy throne were dashed almost immediately by a flanking threat: one zombie cat who was clearly part of the dead army and a tyrannical sort who bore a Joffrey callibre distain for all others in the kingdom. This caused Ken to be banished to the outer wooden islands, small bench seating set apart from the rest that provided neither comfort nor easy access to the snacks. We expect that he should make it back to the main seating area in a future season.


“The king can do as he likes.”

Arielle proved the most likely team member to secure the throne for herself, being the only person who had read all of the books. While Ken did cunningly placed his cookies and tempting buckeyes in front of her as a distraction, she was able to resist to an impressive extent and lead the team to second place. Some may be noting that Ken was on her team, but in Game of Thrones, there are no teams.  Players know that in the great game you win or you die. We are unsure which fate we earned by coming in 2nd – but if we do die, we will at least have our free new t-shirts we were awarded to be buried in – or hung out on posts for kitty climbing and scratching.


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