
Posts Tagged ‘Asian Images in Comics and Graphic Narratives’

Recently, a group of Library staff members visited the Marvels & Monsters: Asian Images in Comics exhibit to see what some of our colleagues have been working so passionately on over the past several months.  Good things had reached our ears about the event that highlighted cultural diversity, but until now we had not experienced it for ourselves.  It was high time to do so.

The display was intriguing even from a distance with the bold colors, most predominantly yellow, symbolizing the Asian skin tone of the characters depicted.  It captured our attention immediately and drew us from one end of the Charles B. Wang Center quickly to the other.  We were met with an impressive array of painted panels that depicted various Asian archetypes created by American graphic artists for comic books during the Second World War and Cold War Eras.  The exhibit served to show how easy it could be to alter society’s impression of a demographic who most knew little about.  As we took it all in, we began to realize how closely this hit home to all of us.  We, being library workers, were all too familiar with stereotypes that have been forced on those in our profession, probably since the dawn of the printed word.  Allow me to address a few, as they related, at least in my mind, to their Asian comic character counterparts.

The Shusher

The Shusher

The Shusher is one of the most predominant images in the Library world.  Librarian dolls have been made that mimic this aggressive shushing motion.  To the world, library staff thrive in a world of peace and quiet and mechanically react with this hand to mouth gesture when any noise is heard.  Much like The Kamikaze villains, they are a greatly feared character void of all personality who devoutly adhere to their mission to seek out noise and stop it dead in its tracks.

The Mean Librarian

The Mean Librarian

Who can forget the depiction of The Mean Librarian in countless Hollywood films? Always seen glaring from behind a desk piled high with books, squinting angrily through a pair of eyeglasses that have slid just a little too far down her pointy nose? Ruler in one hand, overdue stamp clasped tightly in the other. Wherever there is a scene set in the library where the heroes are happily piecing together bits of an exciting plot, there is a mean librarian there to serve as The Brute, spoiling fun simply for the sake of being bitter and mean.

The Brain

The Brain

Both Asian comics and American libraries share the archetype called The Brain.  An example of a positive attribute somehow turned negative, these characters just can’t win.  Whereas The Brain in the comics just wants to rule the world, the library version would settle to help you write a stellar research paper.  Neither has a bright future in the romance department.

The Sexy Librarian

The Sexy Librarian

A beloved Asian character in Marvel comics is The Temptress, there to use her powers of seduction to thwart the hero.  A beloved character at American Halloween parties is our counterpart, The Sexy Librarian.  A little less in-your-face sexy than the comic book version, the Librarians show that there is a mysterious kind of beauty to be found in a girl with brains.

The Techie

The Techie

Every library has at least one, some guy who keeps abreast with all the latest technology.  Though we are quick to label him/her as a geek in conversation with our peers, we will always compliment them on their sweater to be in their good graces because we know we will inevitably need computer help one day.  They could be seen as a traditional Guru figure, the teacher of all that is wise, but in reality they will also always be part Alien, a perpetual foreigner in the workplace – but in a good way.

By learning of the stereotypes that have been invented to negatively depict others in our society, we were inspired to reflect on how vulnerable we all are to being unfairly categorized in potentially harmful ways by media and pop culture.  That is perhaps why it is so essential to never pass up an opportunity to demonstrate that we are bright, friendly people who enjoy laughing and learning and defying preconceived notions to express who we really are.

The same can be said of Library workers!

The same can be said of Library workers!

Library staff at play

Library staff at play

Spending time in the shoes of someone else's stereotype

Spending time in the shoes of someone else’s stereotype


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Having been forced to endure a week of office work while the rest of campus was celebrating the best holiday of the entire calendar year, Spring Break, we were yearning for a serious adventure today.  Ken had sparked our interests with the promise of a secret trail to a new and wondrous place, but alas, part-time weather reporter Kathy informed us all that it was raining.  The sound of our hearts breaking into many pieces was all too audible for the quiet study atmosphere in the Library.  The shushes from studious patrons at the sound of our hearts breaking added insult to injury.

Thank goodness for backup plans! We all perked up a bit when we recalled that there was currently a Marvels & Monsters Asian images in comics exhibit being held in the Wang Center, an event that some of our colleagues were assisting with. So we shuffled on over, not quite sure what to expect, but feeling certain that what we really needed on this gloomy day was a vivid splash of color that this graphic narrative art was sure to provide.

The Wang Center was in full cultural swing today, with groups everywhere honoring the textiles and traditions of peoples from all over the globe.  Some arts and crafts fanatatics were busy making masks – a party which we tried and failed to blend in with to join.  As we watched from the outskirts, our attention was seized by other creative attractions, such as a map made of old pants and an indigo skirt made with the oil of a water buffalo.  As fascinating and beautiful as this all was, we were on a mission to proudly find the exhibit sponsored, in part, by the Library.

Mask maker mask maker make me a mask. I think that's how it went...

Mask maker mask maker make me a mask…

America celebrating Casual Friday by donning their denim

America celebrating Casual Friday by donning its denim

At long last we found it, the best exhibit saved appropriately for last.  As we carefully studied each picture, we saw that they were more than mere comic illustrations, they were reflections of real life that we could all relate to.  For instance, the following picture made all of us recall recent feelings of hurt and betrayal when members opted to defect from team Walk-O-Rama and walk with our competitors, Healthier U.

No hard feelings, we swear ;)

No hard feelings, we swear 😉

We also saw ourselves each depicted in the character stereotypes that were displayed in brightly colored panels, though none of us could agree which of us was The Brute, which was The Brain, and which The Manipulator.  Only Ken could be indisputably identified as The Temptress.

Ken and Celeste adding a bit of intrigue to their Friday

Ken and Celeste adding a bit of intrigue to their Friday afternoon

Ken makes a marvelous monster

Ken makes a marvelous monster. He clearly practices in the mirror each night

Fortunately for us, there was also an illustration that brought us all back to reality and beckoned us to take note of the time. Oh no! Our lunch hour was nearly over and we still had not eaten! In honor of this great Asian art, we rushed to grab some ethnically appropriate cuisine, as Ken chose pork and rice and Celeste opted for the pineapple chicken and rice.  Kristen confusedly grabbed pizza.

Translation: "Look at the clock, dummies, it's time to eat." Disclaimer: we do not speak this language and doubt it really says that. But it could...

Translation: “Look at the clock, dummies, it’s time to eat.” Disclaimer: we do not speak this language and doubt it really says that. But it could…

We’re very proud of those members of the Library, Stony Brook University, and everyone else who has worked on this exhibit so far.  Great job, guys! Check it out if you get the chance.  Learn more about the upcoming symposium HERE!

We hope to see you next week as we hopefully walk to Ken’s mystery destination!




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